However, the room Eddie is in looks better than the rest. The Revolver is a weapon found in Silent Hill 2 (only in Born from a Wish), Silent Hill 4: The Room, and Silent Hill: Origins. James lets Mary go, as he is with the aspect of his personality that sees good in the world. The title screen of the game resembles water, which could relate to "In Water".

Anyway, this just made me want to save my marriage, kind of faced my own inner demons through James. Instead they are the part of James that they represent… eg. James seemed to believe that Angela was contemplating suicide, and try to convince her otherwise. In a sudden panic James picked up some nearby pistol ammo and he began to shoot the monster forcing it to retreat. I love how all the weird analysises about the “hole” in Silent Hill 2 never focuses on the most obvious one… because James’ wife was sick or whatever, too sick to have sex, James couldn’t stick it in her holes.

I’ve been looking for a good detailed Analysis on the games and monsters, and i believe you’d be the one to do it!! HEY HEEEEEY! Even though, anytime he showed up I’d just be going, “crap, crap, crap…” Especially in the labyrith, and then it turned out that it just lead to a dead end, and I was all Even thought I did get his funky knife.