Mass effect ship weapons
Mass effect ship weapons

mass effect ship weapons

The commander got something similar to the Engineer options - he could provide bonuses to other crew to simulate battle strategy. Engineering was doing active damage control and had a limited capacity to perform field repairs (bypassing damaged systems) and "heal" the ship, as well as optimizing power distribution (more power to weapons/shields/engines/etc), Scotty style. The helmsman did piloting (and possibly handled any fixed spinal gunnery), tactical dealt with the missiles and allocating turrets to offensive or counter-missile duties, the science officer worked with the sensors to provide active spoofing or drill through enemy EW and provide a better target lock. I tried to structure things so every player character of most any skill focus would have a means to contribute. When I was running my Mass Effect inspired campaign over several years, I had a lot of ship options besides piloting and shooting. Spoofing sensors, jamming torpedo fire control systems, presumably dealing with drone craft, and so on. If you have handfuls of fighters duking it out, you can have your traditional WW2 dogfight with mass accelerator cannons, and the occasional torpedo run to disable the enemy ship in order to facilitate boarding and rescue prisoners/stolen tech.įor the mothership, ME always has a lot of fluff text that indicates battles include a lot of electronic warfare. A playership's two deployed fighters are much more useful dealing with pirates, or rogue Geth squads, or Batarian raiders.

mass effect ship weapons

Assume for the moment a player vessel smaller and rather less cutting-edge than the Normandy, but with a hangar for a rover and two fighters, and a cargo hold to at least pretend to be legitimate free traders. With small ships, the contribution of each vessel is much more important. I've forgotten the name but the Alliance's special-duty Q-ships were called(essentially conscripted or contracted militarized civilian-ish small ships) but I always felt they were a great nucleus for a ME campaign. I think where Mass Effect can get the most meaningful shift is focusing down, away from the big fleet battles, and down to skirmishes of a few ships. Dreadnoughts were the workhorses of the battlefield, because they carried the biggest guns, heaviest armor, and so on, but weren't really hindered by the usual maneuverability issues (large momentum from the large mass.but mass effect fields can probably mitigate it to some extent).įighters had some value, but we're mostly harassers, overloading shields and maybe getting lucky torpedo hits. Mass Effect mostly tends towards the "bigger is better" spaceship philosophy, which has a certain element of realism behind it, or at least consistent internal logic.

Mass effect ship weapons