It's way more atmospheric in FP and cohesive than it is in TP, actually. So you'd either have to use another weapon, call in supply drop or use other ways such as CQC or do some good old OSP. Now the suppressor wears down more quickly and your ammo count is lower. This one makes it so that you don't have enough supplies to clear a base with only one tranquilizer gun. There are many more things to toggle but I thought these were the most interesting for now. Force the game to be offline, so you can start a fresh new game without your online resources being added.Make more soldiers roam your mother base.Enemy helicopters on free roam (maybe not a good idea because you can hear them from 3 miles away).The ability to increase foot and vehicle patrols on the road.A way to skip heli rides in the mode you want (like side ops).Making the Skull unit able to attack you outside of missions (free roam/side ops).There are hundreds of selections but here's what I chose It tries to be a comprehensive way to toggle various options in the game in order to tweak it as you want. I also have some recommendations to make the game look better visually. I play pretty much exclusively stealth so I needed some roadblocks to prevent me to just spam my tranquilizer gun to victory. There are many ways to approach the game so I figured I'd make a thread to see if fans has solid advice or mod recommendations to enhance the experience.

So I turned myself to mods to see if I could spice up the experience in a way that is engrossing rather than disruptive. Its solid gameplay makes it a joy to play, but its loop can be monotone after more than a hundred hours spent on the game. I've been meaning to get back to Metal Gear Solid 5.